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This is the project website for the South-East Asian sales competition, however if you are a business, recruiter, student or university we recommend that you visit our competition website. 

The competition website is continually updated with the latest news and information as well as links to our instructional videos and social media campaigns.



The main aim of the SEASAC project is to strengthen South-East Asian Universities’ capability to provide highly skilled B2B Sales professionals for the emerging international markets. In the project, we utilise existing European knowledge and experiences in developing a pedagogically rich concept for the cooperation of universities and companies within the sphere of sales education. Best practices from Europe will be matched with Asian sales cultures.

A concrete tangible output is the South-East Asian Sales Competition concept, consisting of International B2B Sales Course and South-East Asian Sales Competition Finals event.

Key milestones can be found here. This is a new way of engaging companies to university level ‘sales education’ in its all phases: planning, implementation and assessment of students’ performance. In addition to core partner countries the concept will attract Universities from other South-East Asian countries.

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SEASAC is co-financed by the European Commission’s Erasmus+ Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education programme

Disclaimer: This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

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