Parahyangan Catholic University
Doctor in Economics, specialist in Talent and Change Management.
She has more than 25 years in teaching, acting business consultation
& training, and research majoring in Human Resource and
organizational study. She has published a research on Procedia
Economics and finance, 2012 “ Creating a Meaningful Planned
Change Management”. Her experiences in consultation & training
program, are a meaningful for this project, in designing a curricula for
Sales course and training; also for managing the competition. Now she
acting as Head of Business Administration Department.
Ph.D in organization design and strategy. He has more than 25 years in
teaching, research majoring in business strategy. He also join in many
government project as an expert. He was acting Head of business
administration department, so his experiences meaningfull for this
project, especially in designing curricula for sales course or training.
Fransisca Moelyono
Doctor in marketing. She has more than 25 years experiences in
teaching and research majoring in marketing . She has many
experiences in designing curricula, especially in Marketing courses.
Rullyusa Pratikto
Doctor in Economics, with specialization in Financial and
Development Economics. He also has several years of working
experience in Banking Industry, and teaching the Business Finance,
Banking, Capital Market, and Economics. He also acting as a Director
of Centre of Business Studies (CEBIS). He has published one research
in international journal and others in a well-known national journals.
His research interests are Financial Market, Development Economics
in both Macro in Micro subject, and he often employed quantitative
approach in his studies.